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Haz lo mejor posible
An inspirational, bilingual children's book to teach the value of a positive attitude.Choices made determine how each challenge is ultimately experienced.MOM'S CHOICE AWARD WINNER...

El zopilote y la chirimía
Written by Gabriela Olmos and illustrated by Valeria Gallo, The Buzzard and the Flute tells the story of Conchita, a girl who loses her...

Autor Bilingue Jose Chavez Lee Poema Baila la Fruta
El libro, Dancing Fruit, Singing Rivers-Baila la Fruta, Cantan los Ríos es un recurso excelente para aprender a leer, así que provee ritmo, repetición,...

The Story of Little Parakeet (English)
A bilingual tale of Periquito (Little Parakeet) who goes out into the jungle looking for his father. All the animals recognize him because he...

Cuento Noche de Gatos (En Español)
Hola! Este cuento se llama Noche de Gatos. Yo y Rufina leeremos el cuento para todos ustedes. Diviertanse! Yo soy Edna Iturralde > Mi...

El recital de danza de Gabriela / Gabriela's Dance Recital
Gabriela's Dance Recital was adapted from the award-winning personalized children's book entitled Dance Recital. This beautifully illustrated children's picture book tells the story of...